Family Law

The Law Office of Alyease Jones

Is Spousal Maintenance in Your Future?

At the end of a marriage, there may be few issues more contentious than alimony. Alimony, also called spousal support or spousal maintenance, is not a guarantee in a divorce. Nevertheless, your circumstances may qualify you for spousal support at least for long enough to get you back on your feet after your divorce.

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The Law Office of Alyease Jones

Breaking the News of Your Divorce to Your Child

Among the many heartbreaks when a marriage ends in divorce is the bewilderment and sadness the children may experience. When discussing the changes that are ahead for your Illinois family, you will want to find the gentlest and most appropriate way to console your child while sharing the information he or she needs to hear.

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The Law Office of Alyease Jones

What Happens if The Court Denies Me Child Custody?

A custody battle can be one of the most heart-rending and stressful experiences a parent can go through. Despite putting your best effort forward, there is still a chance that the judge will award physical and legal custody to the other parent.

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The Law Office of Alyease Jones

What Does Property Division Look Like in An Illinois Divorce?

There’s a chance you’ve accumulated a lot of assets though your marriage. Or maybe you weren’t married long enough for many assets, accounts or investments to stack up. Regardless of how much you have, all your marital property is subject to division during the divorce process.

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The Law Office of Alyease Jones

Illinois’ Deadbeats Most Wanted List

Almost everyone is familiar with “Most Wanted List”. Were you aware that the State of Illinois has a “Deadbeats Most Wanted List”? What’s a deadbeat one may ask? Illinois defines a deadbeat as an individual who is in arrears in their child support obligation under an Illinois court order or administrative order.

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The Law Office of Alyease Jones

2017 Changes in Child Support

The past few years have been very exciting in the world of family law.  Why?  Illinois is making quite a few changes.  The method of calculating child support is about to change.

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The Law Office of Alyease Jones

The Importance of Teamwork

A popular phrase is “team work makes the dream work”.  Last week, more than ever, this phrase was applicable. While in parentage court, I was very attentive to other cases.  Most of the parties had children in common, but were never married.  There were a wide range of issues– from parenting time (visitation) to child support.

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The Law Office of Alyease Jones

Facing a Divorce

Unfortunately, for many marriages divorce is inevitable.  There comes a time when a couple has to decide if staying together is “worth it”.  There are many factors that lead to a divorce. Surprisingly, I have recently discovered the state you live in is an indication of the success rate of your marriage.

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