Hey! It’s Alyease of the Law Office of Alyease Jones. Earlier this year, I compiled a list of things to do while quarantined aka the C.A.R.E. list. Create. Adjust. Read. Enjoy. Follow Lady Justice Chicago’s Instagram page at https://www.instagram.com/ladyjusticechicago/ or follow the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ladyjusticechicago.
A lot of us have personally experienced the negative effects of Coronavirus. This pandemic has presented challenges to our physical and mental health. Many people have been quarantined with a partner and have come to the realization that your marriage will not survive the pandemic.
Now, let’s be clear. I am not blaming the breakdown of your marriage on Coronavirus. However, it is possible that the effects of being quarantined with someone for days at a time provided you with an opportunity to reflect on and reevaluate your marriage. In that time of reflection, you may have decided that it would be best for your family to dissolve your marriage. So, what are the next steps? The first step is to decide if you are emotionally ready to end your marriage. Next, create a plan. As I always say, “Divorce does not indicate a failure. Divorce may be a step in the right direction.”