The Law Office of Alyease Jones is dedicated to serving our clients with the highest degree of excellence and vigilance.
Firm News
GENERAL ORDER: 2020 D 1 Cook County Domestic Relations Division
Enclosed is an update regarding the Coronavirus and the Cook County Domestic Relations Division .
Happy Holidays!
The Law Office of Alyease Jones wishes that the upcoming holidays are filled with laughter and love. Please take the time to enjoy your family and friends. Happy Holidays!
National Love Your Lawyer Day
Why not celebrate a day of love? Today is no exception. November 04, 2016 is “National Love Your Lawyer Day”. Seriously. There is a day that has been designated to shower love on the legal profession, specifically lawyers. Is this a stupid holiday? You be the judge.
Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day is just around the around the corner. No more ties or coffee mugs for gifts. Let’s show dads that we really care. Of course, it is NOT about the gift. Fathers are just as important as mothers. Fathers teach their children life lessons and practical skills.
Happy Mother’s Day
A mother’s job is never done. Today, I would like to take the time to thank all the mothers. Thank you for your hard work, sleepless nights, and never-ending love. This weekend please take the time to appreciate all mothers-but most importantly, your mother.